The association Effets Désirables has set itself the goal of promoting art, in all its diversity, by developing transversal artistic projects that are part of a humanist perspective.

The Art of « Positive Impact »….

  • Create and produce original, innovative, experimental works
  • Develop artistic residencies, support artists
  • Create events (exhibitions, concerts, shows, conferences, meetings)
  • Imagine multi-stakeholder dynamics (art and business, art and science, art and territories…)
  • Intertwining universes….
  • Through an inter-cultural, inter-generational, inter-disciplinary approach, etc.

for as many people as possible….

The association places its project in a dimension of « general interest », by opening up to all audiences and by preserving a non-profit, secular and apolitical character to its activities.

  • Use art to create social connections, intertwine universes to create encounters, bring people, worlds and cultures closer together.
  • Support artists, especially those in development, and remunerate them for their work.
  • To promote access to art, to embark as wide an audience as possible, to give those who are far from art a way to taste and appreciate it.
  • To bring out works that would be unlikely to emerge in a commercial context.
  • Create beauty, to inspire good….

Contact & Informations
Association Effets Désirables
Headquarters : 12 esplanade des courtieux
92 150
+33 (0)1 41 44 16 48 / (0)6 89 61 71 35

Siret: 84302398700012
APE : 9001Z Performing Arts
License number show entrepreneur : 2 -111855559
RNA NUMBER: W92201282890
Date of creation of the activity: 01/10/2018